June 30, 2004
Charles Davis Numismatic Literature Auction: Catalogue for a Mail bid sale from Charles Davis which closes 31 July 2004 arrived today. There are two copies of Commercial Coins 1787-1804 by R.C. Bell and Matthew Boulton by H.W. Dickenson as well as other conder related items among the 557 lots. Charles Davis can be reached at P.O. Box 547 Wenham MA 01984 USA, (978) 468 2933 or numislit@aol.com .
June 27, 2004
New Interview: An interesting and informative exchange with Gregg Moore, president of the Conder Token Collector's Club, is now available and can also be found, along with previous interviews, at the Interviews link on the menu at the left.
June 21, 2004
PNG/ICTA Grading Survey: A paid advertisement regarding a legal dispute over a grading company survey done in 2002 by the Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG) in conjunction with the Industry Council for Tangible Assets (ICTA) caught my attention while I was reading the July 2004 Numismatist which arrived a couple of days ago. The survey, as well as other information at the PNG and ICTA web sites, seem well worth a quick look. I've added permanent links to both organizations' sites from the Other Resource page which can be selected from the menu on the left.
June 19, 2004
Token Corresponding Society Bulletin: Volume 7 Number 11 for June 2004 has a lengthy article on Bath Theatre and associated tokens which includes a short reference to D&H Middlesex 363 issued to commemorate the fast coaches conceived of by theatre manager John Palmer. This issue has additional informative "paranumismatic articles", book reviews and adverts as well as a reminder about the upcoming 2004 Token Congress. Additional information on the Bulletin and the Token Congress can be found by selecting Other Resources from the menu on the left.
June 12, 2004
June 06, 2004
Token Activity Up, Up, Up: I can't be the only one that's noticed the increased number of tokens on Ebay, most notably from lockdales-of-ipswich (Lockdales of Ipswich - Eastern England's Premier Coin Dealers & Auctioneers of Collectables ), d.stuart (Alnwick British & Colonial Coins & Tokens) and the_coin_guy77, but from others as well. This EBay activity combined with the Davissons Ltd Auction 21 ending 10 June and the recent E-List from Copper Corner have provided a great opportunity for collectors ... and very soon of course, another excellent buying opportunity will be here with the 7 October Dix Noonan Web auction of the first part of the 18th century British trade tokens collection made by Dr David Lee Spence.
June 01, 2004
Copper Corner June Sale List: Bill McKivor of The Copper Corner has sent out an E-List for June 2004. He writes, "Here is a little list of Conder tokens and items that are not included on my regular quarterly list. The Conder tokens are from an old-time collection, where the collector was more interested in the varieties than he was in collecting in high grade. Year ago, that was the way it was done, and even today one would have a real problem trying to find all of the D&H numbers if high grade was the only thing being collected ... As usual, these E-mail lists rather assume that you shall use D&H to get descriptions, I don’t get as 'descriptive' as I do with my quarterly lists. If you have any questions, please E-mail me." Bill can be reached at Copperman@thecoppercorner.com .
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