October 24, 2007
Copper Corner List #50: Bill McKivor of The Copper Corner has sent out List #50 for October-December 2007 offering a variety of items for sale including 18th Century Conder Tokens, 17th Century tokens, 19th Century tokens along with medals, medalets, unusual historical items and more. This list marks 15 years of such offerings from Bill. If you're not getting his lists sent directly to you via email you should be. Bill can be reached at Copperman@thecoppercorner.com .
October 08, 2007
CTCC Journal Volume XII Number 3 Fall 2007 #45: The 45th consecutive issue of the Conder Token Collector's Club publication, the cover of which is shown to the left, arrived last Friday. Features include "The Seventeeth Century Tokens of Saffron Walden, Essex" by Tony Fox, "David Alves Rebello" by Melvyn Brooks [Reprinted from 'Hackney History'], "A Review of 'Our English Towns and Villages'" by Tom Fredette, "William Booth, The Perry Barr Forger " by John Free [reprinted from the Birmingham Weekly Post of Saturday November 12, 1932] and more. The quarterly Journal comes with membership in the Conder Token Collector's Club and is very much an essential reference for Conder collectors and enthusiasts worldwide. Original articles by club members are the heart of the Journal. You need not be a token "expert" to contribute an interesting and worthwhile article. Consider joining the Club and doing an article for the next issue. Contact Rachel Irish (mrIrish5@adelphia.net) for further CTCC membership info or visit the Conder Token Collector's Club web site for further CTCC info.
August 15, 2007
July 30, 2007
Token References at Google Books: A recent discussion in the Conder Group at Yahoo has revealed that there are some great token references to be found free online at Google books. You can find them by going to http://books.google.com/ , searching for tokens, then limiting the search to "full view" ... or by following this link to token references at Google. Some of these books are also available on CD from euriskodata on eBay. Thanks for the tip guys.
July 07, 2007
CTCC Journal Volume XII Number 2 Summer 2007 #44: The 44th consecutive issue of the Conder Token Collector's Club publication, the cover of which is shown to the left, just arrived. Features include "Token Tales - Joseph Priestly: Scientist, Reformer" by R. C. Bell, "Blything Hundred" by John Fisher, "'BIS' Demystified" by Bill McKivor, "Brighton, East Sussex" by Tony Fox, "James Wright, Junior" by David Dykes, "A Review: Great Tales from English History" by Tom Fredette and much more. The quarterly Journal comes with membership in the Conder Token Collector's Club and is very much an essential reference for Conder collectors and enthusiasts worldwide. Contact Rachel Irish (mrIrish5@adelphia.net) for further CTCC membership info or visit the Conder Token Collector's Club web site for further CTCC info.
July 03, 2007
Copper Corner List #49: Bill McKivor of The Copper Corner has sent out List #49 for July-September 2007 offering a variety of items for sale including 18th Century Conder Tokens, 17th Century tokens, 19th Century tokens along with medals, medalets, unusual historical items and more ... such as Canadian, Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania colonial issues ... as well as a look at 'Bis' and ... no surprise here, a discussion of postage. If you're not getting Bill's lists sent directly to you via email you should be. Bill can be reached at Copperman@thecoppercorner.com .
June 23, 2007
ABC Coins and Tokens Updated: David Stuart has just this week sent out a notice that the English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh 18th Century Conder tokens and Anti-Slavery pages have been updated at Alnwick British & Colonial Coins & Tokens .
May 29, 2007
Copper Corner Book List: Bill McKivor of Copper Corner has released a book list which features over 80 books in stock, some the standard token references, as well as auction catalogues, pamphlets, general information books, both British and American, and miscellany. Bill can be reached at Copperman@thecoppercorner.com for further information.
April 06, 2007
CTCC Journal Volume XII Number 1 Spring 2007 #43: The 43nd consecutive issue of the Conder Token Collector's Club publication, the cover of which is shown to the left, is in the mail. Features include "Token Tales - Druid or Elf, Token's Recall Handel's Music" by R. C. Bell, "Suffolk 15" by John Fisher, "Two New Varieties of Camac Tokens" by Greg Silvis, "Sarah Sophia Banks" by Frank Gorsler, "Battles, Grog and Wooden Walls" by Tom Fredette and much more. The quarterly Journal comes with membership in the Conder Token Collector's Club and is very much an essential reference for Conder collectors and enthusiasts worldwide. Contact Rachel Irish (mrIrish5@adelphia.net) for further CTCC membership info or visit the Conder Token Collector's Club web site for further CTCC info.
April 05, 2007
Copper Corner List #48: Bill McKivor of The Copper Corner has sent out List #48 for April-June 2007 offering a wide variety of items for sale including 18th Century Conder Tokens, 17th Century tokens, 19th Century tokens along with Evasions, Unofficial Farthings, books and more. If you're not getting Bill's lists sent directly to you via email you should be. Bill can be reached at Copperman@thecoppercorner.com .
January 29, 2007
2007 Conder Token Scans CD: Gary Sriro's outstanding Conder Token Scans CD has been updated again. The new version is now available at $39 including domestic US shipping or at $40 including international shipping. Gary writes:
"My new 2007 Conder Token Scans CD is done and ready for shipment. It now contains high resolution color scans of both sides of 3,400 tokens, up from the previous 3,100. It's getting harder and harder to find tokens to add, and a lot more expensive to boot. In addition to the 300 brand new tokens with their never-before-seen population numbers, at least 2,000 existing tokens have had new population number changes. Not only have tokens been added, but numerous other tokens have been upgraded which now yield even better and more attractive images. Additionally, the data base which generates the population numbers has grown this year from 33,000 entries to 38,000. To make it into the data base, the token must be at least an 'American' VF or VF for issue, or better, and identified with a D&H number. Thus the population database reflects only properly described and 'collectible' quality token numbers. With the purchase of the new cd, enclosure sheets will be included, containing an updated rarity scale.This CD is an absolutely essential addition to the reference library of any Conder collector or enthusiast. Gary can be reached by email at gsriro@sbcglobal.net, by post at 18861 Colony Circle Villa Park, CA 92861 or by phone at 714-998-1151 for orders or additional information ... or you can buy a 2007 Conder Token Scans CD right now with PAYPAL using Gary's email address (gsriro@sbcglobal.net) to make the transaction ... only $39 with US domestic shipping or $40 with international shipping. If I did the math correctly that works out to spending just a bit more than 1 cent per token shown on Gary's 2007 Conder Token Scans CD ... yikes ... sounds like a great deal to me.
If it seems you have been seeing many of the same tokens over and over, your eyes (and memory) have not been deceiving you! I've found the ten most populous tokens in declining order to be: Hamp. 89, Sussex 15, Yorksh. 63, Somerset. 26, Mdsx. 393 and 804c, Suffolk 35, Warwicksh. 50, Glouc. 60 and Mdsx. 295. These ten tokens account for 830 entries (average of 83 prices and entries/token) of the 38,000 entries, and 5,103 other D&H numbers collectively make up the balance (average of 7.4 prices and entries/token). Thought you might be interested in this little morsel of information.
If you who wish to have the new cd and live in the U. S. please send check, cash, money order or Paypal for a $39 which includes shipping, to the address below or use my email address for Paypal payment. If you are outside the U.S., please use Paypal or send $40 cash.
I also have an easy to use and deadly accurate companion Conder Token Identifier on CD, too. Please contact me for further information on this powerful reference tool. Many thanks and best wishes to all........Gary"
January 13, 2007
CTCC Journal Volume XI Number 4 Winter 2006/7: The 42nd consecutive issue of the Conder Token Collector's Club publication, the cover of which is shown to the left, is in the mail. Features include "Token Tales - Samuel Whitbread, Master Baker" by R. C. Bell, "Sudbury to Suffolk" by Tony Fox, "Four New Varieties of Camac Tokens" by Greg Silvis, "By-Laws of the CTCC" from Issue 14, "Author Index Volumes VIII-XI [Issue 40]" by Tom Fredette and much more. The quarterly Journal comes with membership in the Conder Token Collector's Club and is very much an essential reference for Conder collectors and enthusiasts worldwide ... not just for the articles but for the sense of community one gets by reading what others in the field are interested in and what they are doing. Contact Rachel Irish (mrIrish5@adelphia.net) for further CTCC membership info or visit the Conder Token Collector's Club web site for further CTCC info.
January 11, 2007
ABC Coins and Tokens Updated: David Stuart writes that 20 new categories of British and world tokens, medallions and paranumismatica have just been added to the web site at Alnwick British & Colonial Coins & Tokens . English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh Conders are of course some of the many other categories found at the coin index page at Alnwick British & Colonial Coins & Tokens.
January 10, 2007
January 06, 2007
Collector's Universe: Some Conder Token discussions that may be of interest can be found at the message boards in the World & Ancient Forum at Collector's Universe by going there and using the search form provided to search on "conders". Try it now ...
January 04, 2007
Copper Corner List #47: Bill McKivor of The Copper Corner has sent out List #47 for January-March 2007 offering a wide variety of items for sale including 18th Century Conder Tokens, 17th Century tokens, 19th Century tokens along with Evasions, Unofficial Farthings, Medals, medalets, unusual historical items and more. If you're not getting Bill's lists sent directly to you via email you should be. Bill can be reached at Copperman@thecoppercorner.com .
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