March 27, 2004
March 26, 2004
Price List from P. Flanagan & Associates: A short price list of 19th century token items has just arrived in the mail from P. Flanagan & Associates ... includes several shilling pieces. For more information email, call or write to ; (360) 240-8366 from 11AM to 11PM PST; Phil Flanigan PO Box 1288 Coupville WA 98239.
March 15, 2004
Site Revisions: I've adopted "blogging" technology for posting news items to this page. Blogging greatly simplifies some things - especially archiving items - and it allows for setting up a site feed for folks with news reader software who wish to follow posts to this page. Please report any glitches you may notice.
March 13, 2004
Token Corresponding Society Bulletin: Volume 7 Number 10 for March 2004 has arrived. This issue returns to the "normal mix of paranumismatic articles" with no conder references but still some very interesting reading. More information on the Bulletin and the associated Token Congress can be found by selecting Other Resources from the menu on the left.
March 12, 2004
Coin World Article: Read a short piece by Michele Orzano that answers the question "what are Conder tokens?"
March 09, 2004
New E-Mail Price List at The Copper Corner: "An interesting group of tokens, and a fantastic group of medals with wonderful historical interest" are available on this March 2004 List from The Copper Corner . Bill also has 2004 reissue of Dalton & Hamer.
March 04, 2004
DNW Auction 61: Catalogue arrived yesterday for DNW's 17 March 2004 auction includes 18th century British tokens as lots 1167 through 1216. There are 1700 lots in all with Part 1 of the Collection of English Short Cross Coins 1180-1247 of Jeffrey P. Mass being featured. More info is available at Dix Noonan Web from Conders for Sale page.
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