July 07, 2007

Conder Token Collector's Journal Vol XII Number 2 Summer 2007 #44
CTCC Journal Volume XII Number 2 Summer 2007 #44: The 44th consecutive issue of the Conder Token Collector's Club publication, the cover of which is shown to the left, just arrived. Features include "Token Tales - Joseph Priestly: Scientist, Reformer" by R. C. Bell, "Blything Hundred" by John Fisher, "'BIS' Demystified" by Bill McKivor, "Brighton, East Sussex" by Tony Fox, "James Wright, Junior" by David Dykes, "A Review: Great Tales from English History" by Tom Fredette and much more. The quarterly Journal comes with membership in the Conder Token Collector's Club and is very much an essential reference for Conder collectors and enthusiasts worldwide. Contact Rachel Irish (mrIrish5@adelphia.net) for further CTCC membership info or visit the Conder Token Collector's Club web site for further CTCC info.

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